Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dying my hair Please answer?

i wanna dye my hair brown with blue tips but my dad wont approve till i give him a reason why but i have no reason i just wanna what do i say to him for an excuse???

Dying my hair Please answer?

tell him its not going to hurt u or make a difference in ur life. say that the reason u want to do it is just for fun or experimenting and that u just want to try it. tell him that if it turns out horribly, u understand that it would be ur fault. then, after u say all that, ask him for a reason y he wont approve and try to counter all of them. tell him to just try to trust u to do this.

if he still isnt convinced, ask if u could use semi-permanent dye to just try it. semi-permanent dye lasts about 6-8 shampoos and be sure to tell him that and then ask if u could keep it that way if it looks ok

he is ur dad and u have to listen to him til ur 18 or if ur legally emancipated, which i doubt will happen unless ur married, enlisted in the military, or obtained a court order from a judge

good luck with the hair dye :)

Dying my hair Please answer?

that you are growing up and that you want to experiment. that you know you shouldnt do anything silly for the sake of it, and that you believe that you are old enough to know that this isnt a silly decision and that you are serious about it.

Dying my hair Please answer?

explain to him that the blue washes out. And you can use semi-permanet dye for the brown too.


tell him that you are a brown/blue haired girl in a blonde's body. Just like when transvestites feel like when they're a man in a woman's body vice verca. then tell him, its not as bad as a sex change.

Dying my hair Please answer?

why would u want to dye it that?


Dying my hair Please answer?

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