Friday, November 27, 2009

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

He does not like it when i lay him back to wash his hair he screams the hous down

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Make it like a Simon Says game or get him to copy your actions by getting in the bath with him and doing yours. If it's a shower use a song that involves the rain falling on his head or just get him to hold a flannel over his eyes while you pour water over him with a cup while singing the song.

If it's the laying back part he doesn't like, can you get him to pretend to swim in the bath or lay on his back and splash, that way he can rinse his own hair off.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

try bring toys into the tub with him,. it will keep him occupied for a bit

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Try to be as quick as possible. I use a big cup and scoop and pour the water or mine's heads. They don't really like it, but I don't have tto deal with the kicking and wiggling...Good Luck

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Try to buy a nice scented shampoo.

Or maybe you have to do it by force because I have a 3 year old boy and he didn't liked to get his hair washed. I had to do it by force and now, he got used to it and he likes it!

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Don't worry about it so much. His hair probably isn't even dirty, children that age don't sweat so a bath twice a week is more than enough. Maybe he wont fihgt it so much if he knows it doesn't have to happen everyday. Best Wishes

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

this is not a perfect method but it works for mine. wet a face cloth , not too much, there must not be water pouring off it, and thats how you slowly wet his hair, then you shampoo it, then you rub it off with a wet face cloth again , keep rinsing it to get the shampoo out.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

make it a game. i do with my 19 mo old son

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

we had this problem with a few of our kids. do you have a sprayer in your bathtub? one that hooks up to the faucet? hold a wash cloth over his eyes. sing a song to him, or get him interested in something else before you start...get his mind on something else. my 5 year old son is mildly autistic, and hates getting his hair washed. we have tried it all with him, and the best thing for him is to start talking about one of his favorite things...trains or whatever. i know some people use a cup and dump water over the kids head. my kids hated that. i would try the sprayer. good luck. he will outgrow it eventually.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

don't lay him back use a cup or something and pour the water over his head, but make it a game he will eventually get use to it and come to terms that it is gonna happen. My kids all went through this it is just a phase.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Before we start, I explain what we're going to do and I keep giving reassurances. I cradle my child with one arm, and wash with the oither. All this time I speak in a very soothing voice. I explain that I'll take very good care not to get the soap and water in the face or ears. I'm very quick and efficient, and I keep talking soothingly while I'm washing.

Good Luck :-)

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

We went through this when my son was little. What helped was I filled up a bucket with a little bit of water and let him wash my or daddys hair. It did make a mess, but after a week he wasnt scared. He loved washing our hair and saw that it wasnt scary. HTH!

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

There is a shampoo out there that doesn't require water. The hospitals used it on my uncle when he got sick. You could ask your doctor where to get this and if it would be okay to use on your son.

That way you can slowly get him used to having the water poured on his head. I remember when I was a child (I'm 22 now), I hated having water poured on my head because I was afraid of soap getting in my eyes (I was probably 2 or 3). Do you use a No Tears soap?

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

I didn't lay my son back in the tub when he began acting afraid of it. I let him sit up and told him to look up like he was looking at birds in the sky and used a pitcher to rinse his hair, taking care not to let it go down his face. That was what seemed to panic him the most was the soap or water getting near his eyes, even though it was 'no tears", he would still get upset, but having him look up and mentioning the birds seem to distract him enough that I could quickly get the job done.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Get a duck that quacks. My daughter is 21 months old. I put a washcloth over her forehead to catch as much as possible. But she's an easy one. But it does help to keep the water out of the face a lot. Maybe try a cousin of his to take a bath with him. Let them know you'll dump water on their head and have them to laugh until your son see's that it's fun.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

What worked for my daughter was seeing me dump the water over my head and act like it was fun, turn it into a game.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

My son went through this too. He hates laying back in the water and he hates it when water gets in his face. We went to Wal-mart and bought him a bath pillow and some pool glasses. He calmed down when he saw no water could get in his eyes. And he loves his pillow. You can find the bath pillow in the beauty section with all the bath salts and body washes. It plastic and you just blow it up.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

go to babies r us and buy the 2 pack visors, then no water or soap will get into his eyes he might even like watching the water come down in the front, this worked with my son, hope it helps

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

the more you pamper this situation the worse its going to get. my suggestion is what i do and did with mine get a large beaker wet it shampoo it rinse it then just splash fun begins don't say anything about him not liking it as then they have your attention and next thing you know full blown screaming match between you and them!!!!!! best to do it first then its over then the next week do it at the end that way you avoid them kicking off over not liking the bath!!!!!!!

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

The trick is distraction. Don't use the toys, they remind him that he's in the tub, you want him to forget that. Try to grab his attention outside of the tub, to something else happening. Got another kid or someone else that can come in and talk to him and distract him? Try the distraction with him just laying back and then once he's happy slowly ease into washing his hair so he barely notices. Keep your tone positive and happy too, if you get stressed your kid can hear it in your voice.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

I would buy a hose attachment for the faucet. I got mine from the 99 cent store or buy a shower head that have the hose attachment. Have him spray the hose and have fun with it. Then you can ask him can you spray water too. Make it fun. Spray his hair with the hose and wash his hair. He will warm up to it. Also, get a shampoo with a cartoon character on it that he likes. That's what I did with my son and it worked.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

ok here goes:

get a big plastic cup.

fill with water

tilt babies head back a little

rinse soap out.

this idea works like a charm for me every single day!

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

give him bath toys and *** he is playing with the sneak in and wash hair. that use to work for my daughter.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Use a cup and have him look up toward the ceiling so that the water doesn't run into his eyes. Keep a towel close by so that he can wipe his eyes off if he needs to. He'll get used to it. Also, take him swimming in a pool. Ever since our 2 1/2 year old got to go swimming, she likes laying down in the water and washing the soap off herself.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

May be he is afraid of water getting on his face.try wash his hair when he is sitting try use bath ring for children and then when he fill secure wash his hair and try to get shampoo in bright bottles

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

OK this is a tough one my son is almost five and still screams when i wash his hair but i have to do it anyhow. Getting him to help may work. Let him have the cup and dump the water out on his self. then let him put the shampoo on his head and help you lather it he may like it.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

I still deal with this issue and my son is 4 and a half. :(

My best solution is to allow him to continue to sit up, cover his eyes with a dry wash cloth, have him lean his head back and pour the water back away from his face. It works for me.

My 15 month old son does not like getting his hair washed any tips on how to do it.?

Sudsing up during your morning shower sure feels good, but, depending on your hair type, it might not be doing such good things for your hair. In fact, over-washing some types of hair can cause them to become dry, brittle, and frizzy. Here, the ground rules on how often to lather up.

Wash every day: Fine, thin hair and most short styles. Fine hair tends to become flat and greasy-looking if left unwashed for too long, thanks to the natural oils from the scalp. Short hair can become greasy quickly, too. Pick a gentle shampoo and follow with a light conditioner -- sometimes called a detangler -- with every shower.

Wash two to three times a week: Long, thick and/or curly hair. These hair types tend to become dry easily, especially at the ends. That's because the scalp's natural, moisturizing oils have a long way to travel to get to the ends, and are often washed away before reaching them. By skipping a day in between shampoos, these natural oils have more opportunity to lubricate and condition the hair. On your off days, simply style hair dry, or rinse with warm water, condition, then dry and style as usual. Choose a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

Wash one to two times a week: Very dry, kinky, African-American, and/or chemically processed hair. Hair like this is either naturally very porous, and therefore very dry; or has been severely damaged by perming solutions, straighteners, or colorings. These hair types benefit from as little washing as possible, plus heavy conditioning packs every week. Look for a shampoo formulated for chemically processed or African-American hair, which will be more moisturizing and gentler than regular shampoos. Follow with a thick conditioner.

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