Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

I don't get it. We are obligated to tip waiters and waitresses, cab drivers and hair cutters. Ok, maybe hotel people, the newspaper boy/girl at Christmas.

But the ones who EXPECT a tip are food servers.

Why not the plumber, the person who helps you in Wal-Mart, the nice bank teller?

All of these people get an hourly wage. I get an hourly wage and I help people all the time, but never get a tip. And I don't expect one, but why do these certain workers expect money above and beyond their wage?

I'm just wondering how this custom got started.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Waiters are very often paid a less than minimum wage.

You seem not to have got around the lower economic classes. You sound middle class, or just out of it.

You know how much plumbers charge?

If you care so much about the Walmart workers, why don't you lobby with organized labor to help them get a fair wage?

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

And that is exactly why I will not bust my hiney as a waitress for only $2 an hour, if that. Sure, lots of people would feel sorry for me or think I'm nice and give tips, but just as many would be like, She gets paid already, she could work elsewhere if she wants more money, why should I tip her...? In the area I live in, anyway.

It would be interesting to learn about how the custom started.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Usually those types of jobs ar not high paying jobs. Most waitresses make below minimum wage. I know a few years ago Shoneys waitress only made less than 3 bucks an hour. So, they NEED a tip.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Waiters and waitresses are paid lower than minimum wage. Also, they're not in a position to complain about the wage, most people are there because they REALLY need the money. So, people tip because they're sorry, got good service, and/or it's respectful.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

I have no problem tipping a person if the service I get is above par: what gets up my nose is that in some countries, tipping is expected even if the service you get is lousy. Why should I then tip?

What pisses me off even more is that if I want to take a few friends out to dinner, say 8 or more, a 'service fee' is automatically added to the bill, whether I get decent service or not.

I understand that some professions, ie waitresses, are paid below minimum wage %26amp; have to earn a living from tips, but then give the service please! Smile when talking to your clients, don't ignore your clients, and please, wait until the 'head' of the table has their mouth empty before skipping over to ask if everything is alright!

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Wait staff gets paid around $2-3 bucks an hour. Their job rely on tips. Bank tellers, plumber are in a salary bases therefore they don't need to be tip. If you like you can tip them too I am sure they are not going say no to cash.

Some people still believe they shouldn't tip at restaurant. I hate to see what wait staff do to their food.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

SERVICE people get tipped. FOOD SERVICE peoples get tipped.

You don't tip the hairdresser is he/she owns the shop. You can offer the box boy at the market a tip, but he'll probably turn you down. Some industries pay their employees a living wage, others (like food service ones) expect the difference to be made up in tips. Be generous. If you can't be, stick to drive-through.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

LOVE THIS QUESTION!. I suggest we stop tipping anyone immediately and save ourselves a few hundred dollars a year.

The custom probably started when a customer threw a penny into a dish on a diner counter. Or maybe it was done in a movie. scene.

Anyway, I'm stopping the practise right now, this minute and they can talk about me all they like - I won't care!

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

I have been a waitress for 9 years. If you think you can live on $3.00 an hour, be my guest and try, it does not pay the bills. No, I do not expect you to tip me highly if I have had a bad day and your service sucked, but do I expect you to bring me food and make me happy for $3. Even if it's not with a smile, it's worth more than that!

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Tip the food servers. Are you a mind reader? How do you know their circumstances. Maybe it is just a part time temp job to finish paying off something. Maybe it is all they can do right now. But they do not get minimum wage, even the ones who work in the pricier hotels and restaurants. And also did you know that they are taxed by the IRS on tip monies based on the expected percentage on their total receipts whether they received it or not. I have thankfully never been in that circumstance but I had a friend who was when she 1st got out of college. And also if the service is poor, don't automatically blame the server, it is probably poor management in the kitchen. They get cursed and yelled at by the kitchen help and cooks, and come out and smile at the customers while they make up their minds what to order and others are waiting for dishes and drinks. Tip well!!

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

Well waiters get paid less than $3 an hour. In New Zealand they don't tip. I liked it. No calculations on a full stomach.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

you people make me SO mad yes you tip the waitress or waiter you want to know why , I'll tell you the average wage for a food server is about $2.30 and hour how are you suppose to raise a family on that. The tip is there to say thank you for getting my food and drink for me basicly its there to say thank you for putting up with my ***. waitressing in hard work and if you have not done it before you have no right saying they do not deserve a little something more.TRY IT SOMETIME.

Why only tip certain professions? Food servers, cab drivers, hair stylists?

I have been a server for 10 years now and not once have i expected a tip. I only make 2.83 an hour, and we have to claim 12% of what me make. We also have to tip out 3% of our sales to the door crew and bartenders. So if your bill is 30 bucks and you stiff me..i basically just paid for you to sit at my table and waste my time waiting on you. Another thing that gets my goat is that i can give the exact same service to 2 tables and one table tips me twenty percent and other tips me ten percent. What is up with that?? If i give bad service, then by all means, don't tip me. But if i give really good service, then please tip me for the services provided.

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